Missing teeth can affect so many parts of your life.

Your self-esteem, your smile, your social life, even your ability to speak clearly. Missing teeth also can very negatively affect your health by forcing you to change diet, and potentially increasing your risks of infection.

There are many options available at the dental studio of Hampton Roads to correct missing teeth. For the most permanent, natural looking, secure and most comfortable solution, we often recommend dental implants.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a permanent way of replacing your natural teeth with the most natural-looking, and natural feeling custom crafted tooth or teeth. In a brief and fast-healing procedure, a small cylindrical post is inserted into your jaw at the location of the missing tooth or teeth and a temporary implant is screwed into place. During your healing Period, A natural process called osseointegration fuses your bone with the implant post, creating a permanent and extremely durable Foundation for your new tooth. 

Dr. Davis, our prosthodontist, carefully crafts a beautiful new tooth to match or enhance your existing smile.

It’s just like your natural tooth was still there. Brush your teeth, eat the foods you love just like you did with your own natural teeth. With dental implants, you don’t have to think about your new tooth because it just works like the original.

Dental Reconstruction 1 dentist Virginia Beach, dentist Norfolk
Dental Reconstruction 2 dentist Virginia Beach, dentist Norfolk